Rosetta Stone Free Trial

Rosetta Stone logo
  • Duration: 3 days
  • Free Plan: No
  • Credit Card: No
  • Availability: Worldwide
  • Price After Trial: From $48
  • Website:

Rosetta Stone is a leading language learning app and program first developed in the early 90’s.

First introduced as a CD-Rom, the learning platform has evolved to teach primarily through an app and in the cloud accessible though their website.

Rosetta Stone currently gives users all over the world access to their choice of 25 languages including both European Spanish and Latin American Spanish, French, Dutch, Mandarin Chinese, German, Filipino, Russian and more.

Rosetta Stone website

With their approach to teaching languages, users get to practice by immersing themselves in the language. Lessons are taught in the target language as the users reads, speaks and makes visual connections to train their understanding of the language they’re learning.

To get started with Rosetta Stone, they offer a 3-day free trial with no credit card needed – only your email address is required.

There are several subscription plans available if you want to continue learning after the three days are up. One of those plans is a lifetime subscription which gives you access to all the languages for unlimited learning.

On this page, I’ll show you how easy it is to get started with Rosetta Stone’s 3-day free trial and what’s inside.

Signing Up For Rosetta Stone Free Trial

Rosetta Stone makes it very simple for you to sign up and try out their language learning program. There is no barrier of needing to have a credit card to get started. All you need to do is choose your target language and give your email address and you’re ready to go.

I decided to try Latin American Spanish as I know a little bit already and would like to brush up on my knowledge.

Here’s how the sign up process works.

Before, the Rosetta Stone free trial was offered on the home page of the website but now it isn’t so obvious that a free trial is available. However, the free trial page is still active and you can still try out the language you want to learn for 3 days.

You can go to this page to get started.

1. Select your language and enter your email

Rosetta Stone free trial signup

There are 25 languages to choose from on the Rosetta Stone website. Spanish (Latin America) is pre-selected but you can just click in the box and choose the one you want to learn.

Next, enter your email address and click on the “Start Learning” button.

You’ll be required to give access to your device’s microphone before moving on to the next step.

2. Choose your learning level

Rosetta Stone levels

To customize your learning experience, Rosetta Stone asks some questions one of which is about your learning level. They try to figure out how much you already know so they can tailor the lessons to your ability.

If you’re now starting out and do not know anything about the language, you should select “Beginner”. Already know the language to the point where you can speak and understand others, then you can go with “Proficient” to maintain your skills.

3. Choose your learning goal

Rosetta Stone learning goals

The next question you’re asked is to choose your goal or reason why you’re learning the language you chose.

It may be for travel, family, work or just to know the basics and more. Your answer will help tailor your experience and the lesson content.

4. Welcome – get started

Rosetta Stone welcome

The welcome message lets you know what to expect from learning with the Rosetta Stone method. You’ll be learning entirely by seeing, hearing, reading and writing in your target language.

5. Start learning with your first lesson

Rosetta Stone lesson 1

You’ll be taken immediately to your dashboard where lesson 1 awaits you. At the top of the screen, you’ll see how much time you have left in your free trial.

Since it’s only a three-day free trial, it’s recommended that you start immediately to get as much as you can out of Rosetta Stone before you subscribe.

How Much Is Rosetta Stone After The Free Trial?

Rosetta Stone does not ask you for your credit card info when starting the free trial. That means they cannot bill you automatically.

You’re free to subscribe at any time after the free trial. There are three plans to choose from.

Unfortunately, there are no monthly plans available for anyone who wants this option. There is a three month plan, an annual plan and a lifetime plan to choose from. .

The three month plan works out to $15.99/month billed at $47.97 every quarter until cancelled. The yearly plan works out to $13.99/month billed at $167.88/year.

Perhaps the best plan here is the lifetime plan which is a one time charge of $199 if you sign up during the free trial period as it looks marked down from $399. With the Lifetime plan, users get access to unlimited languages without ever having to pay more.

Should You Get Rosetta Stone?

The Rosetta Stone method of learning a language is to get you to completely immerse yourself in the language using visual and auditory connections to understand the topic.

The courses use repetition and interactivity to help you grasp basics and fundamentals and you’re graded as you go. You can instantly repeat the lessons on completion or move on to the next lessons, learning at your own pace.

Besides the lessons and courses, Rosetta Stone has some additional features to help you learn your target language.

  • Course units
  • Live lessons
  • On-demand training videos
  • Expert coaching
  • Interactive stories
  • Phrasebooks
  • Audio companions
  • Alphabet reference tool

Course Units

Course units are courses that teach you how to use the language in different situations. For example, there is a unit for “travel” and there’s one for “shopping”.

Rosetta Stone course units

Each course unit is further divided into about 4 lessons for different topics within that situation. For example, travel has lessons for “destinations”, “directions & locations”, “time, arrivals & departure” and “weather”.

The lessons within these units give you practice on core fundamentals, pronunciation, writing, speaking, listening, grammar, vocabulary and reading. You’ll be able to do a review throughout of what you’ve already learned.

Live Lessons

Live lectures are also a part of Rosetta Stone’s teaching process. You can tune into a lecture from a Rosetta Stone coach at a preset time.

Rosetta Stone live lessons

Each lecture addresses a specific topic and lasts about 30 minutes.

On Demand Videos

Besides live lectures, you can check out on-demand videos which are much shorter videos that touch on specific topics that you’ll encounter in everyday situations.

Rosetta Stone TV

These videos help you improve fluency and conversational skill.

Expert Coaching

Connecting with an expert language coach is an available option in Rosetta Stone.

You can schedule a session if you think you need some hand-holding and build your confidence in speaking the language.

Interactive Stories

By listening and reading aloud, interactive stories can help you improve your reading skills in your new language.

Rosetta Stone stories.

There is a good collection of stories to choose from and they all let you read, listen and speak in order to give you practice to help you improve.


Phrasebooks are helpful collections of common phrases you might need in different everyday situations.

If you were dining out, for example, then the “dining out” phrasebook of 24 phrases could be helpful with phrases like “I’d like the bill now, please”.

Rosetta Stone phrases

Phrases are organized according to the situation and there is a helpful translation button which you can use to toggle on and off the translation for the phrase if you don’t know it.

Audio Companion

Rosetta Stone’s audio companion lets you download audio that you can listen to on the go. The purpose of these audio files is to train your ear by listening to native speakers.

Rosetta Stone audio

The files are grouped into units similar to the courses, labeled for different situations and topics such as “dining and vacation”, “places and events” and so on.

Alphabet Reference Tool

A handy alphabet reference tool is available to guide you on pronunciation of all the letters in the alphabet of your target language and how they’re pronounced in actual words.

You can find the reference tool by clicking on the user menu in your profile or scroll to the bottom of the “Explore” page.

Get Your Rosetta Stone Free Trial

The Rosetta Stone free trial only lasts three days but there is so much that can be learned in this short period of time.

The training is interactive and fun and you’ll feel accomplished after hours of learning your target language.

If you’ve tried learning a foreign language before, it’s worth it to try Rosetta Stone to see how their method stacks up.